Wednesday, December 15, 2010

vote for me!!

Okay, so that fashion contest I entered is in the voting stage. SO GO VOTE FOR ME! Here's what you do:

1) Go to
2) Scroll down past all the fashion sets to where the voting takes place.
3) Vote for my set that has the most votes. (#5, #50, or #55)
 - we don't wanna split the vote here so make sure you vote for the set with the MOST votes so I can win!
4) Feel good about yourself for your good deed.

If I get the most votes for one of my sets then I win the outfit from (my favorite website)! And since I'm unemployed I don't really have the cash to buy myself a razzle-dazzle new outfit for New Year's Eve. So....pleaaaaase vote!!! Thank you X a million :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

my own show.

Cant ya jus pikcha it?
Let's all take a moment and think about me. Yes...sit back, relax, and enjoy your thoughts.

Okay, I'm kidding. Don't do that. That's weird. Stop. But I do have a proposal about my life. And you should go tell someone so I can get rich and famous. Thanks.

The fact of the matter's high time I get my own show. There are reality shows about fatties, bad girls, junkies, "models", bounty hunters, chefs, bridezillas, and...well, you've watched tv in the past 10 years so you know. And I hate all of it. But I love all of it. Ya feel me? Is it completely addicting? Yes. Entertaining? Fairly. Genius? Probably. But it's just a bunch of bullshit. So I friends and our boyfriends and families have what it takes - our lives are the exact mixture of totally normal and completely whacked so people would eat that shit uppppp. I mean between us we have a teacher, a few wannabe lawyers, a couple unemployed bums, several screwed up relationships, a crazy ex-friend whose lost her mind and dates what we believe to be a homosexual, a 23 year old bed-wetter, lots of biddies in town who don't like us NO MO (including a ginger), a few hippie-doodles fond of the herb, crazy step-parents, lots of nearly empty bank accounts, some questionable wine addictions, like 12 sets of twins, many many frat "bros", a cop, a genetically deformed dog, an overall unhealthy and bizarre obsession with our alma maters basketball team, a rampant history of being robbed, and a clear disregard for what people think of ANY of us. WHO WOULDN'T WATCH THAT SHOW? C'mon. And it's all happening in a random southern college town with it's own set of pros and cons that make for an interesting way of livin'. Soooo...can't wait to hear from MTV when they realize what they're missing. I'm gonna hold out for the lead role of course, which will lead to the biggest payout. Looks like I can stop that job search...

I'm waiting MTV...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

not so tech-savvy afterall.

Until approximtely 30 seconds ago I had absolutely no earthly idea that anyone had ever commented on my blog! Apparently I'm so accustomed to facebook's red alarm-y notifications that I neglected to learn how to maneuver blogger's style. Shame on me. So, let me start by saying - I LOVE YOU INGRID! And I particularly enjoyed our chat's always one of the brightest parts of my day. (how's that for some mushy-ness?) And to the others that commented about Constant Comment Tea...all I can say is mmm mmm mmm :) I'm glad it brings a smile to your faces too. I virtually toast you with my favorite teacup (mine looks like the one in the picture...with a letter M of course)!

What I came to write about tonight, however, was the fact that I found 2 absolutely adorable and inspiring websites/blogs tonight while I was babysitting (after Max was snoozing away of course). AND I AM IN LOVE! These people are genius. Let me share:

Making It Lovely

Young House Love

I dare you to not get lost looking at their pictures and tips on decorating, painting, being thrifty, and living brighter and better. SO FUN! Can I please be this fabulous some day? Please?

Friday, December 10, 2010

here we go again.

Well, I got a 2nd interview for the Development Manager position at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. It's a Lexington position but the interview is in Louisville on Monday morning. The phone interview a few weeks ago went well so I'm crossing my fingers that the in-person interview goes as well :) I'm not going to get my hopes up or get excited yet. Because I've done that before. Annnnnd I just ended up disappointed. I'm just going to do my best and wait it out. If I get it, I'll be very very happy and if I don't....then nothings changed and I'll start looking again after the first of the year. Think good thoughts for me please :)

Until then, I AM excited for our Christmas Partayyy and enjoying another weekend with my friends. I'm also very grateful for all the babysitting jobs I've gotten recently. These families have no clue how happy I am when they call/text me. I need that gas/gift/food money like....yesterday. And I'm happy to play with some kiddos and watch tv and get paid for it :)

In other news, our quarterback got arrested last night for public intoxication. Way to go're a fifth year senior...and you're about to go to your last bowl game...good thinking. I hope they don't let him play. I hope one of our younger guys like Newton gets to play in the bowl game. They need the practice anyway. Athletes are dumb.

15 days 'til CHRISTMAS!!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

how bizarre how bizarre.

This woman actually exists. Her name is Jocelyn Wildenstein. Google her. I have a sick obsession. I want to know so many things. She'd make for an incredible True Hollywood Story. Wayyy more interesting than Condoleeza Rice or Snoop Dogg or Dolly Parton if you ask me. Here are my biggest questions.


Weirdness at it's finest. Look what a lot of money can do to a person. (That's precisely why I try to keep my own income at a minimum...psh)
Interesting Fact: if someone ever made her face into a mask...I would totally be her for Halloween '11.

Monday, December 6, 2010

For Ren & Jibbles

Lauren said I haven't written enough funny/entertaining/happy things lately. So I'm gonna try to liven up your lives in the next few entries. YIPPPEEEE.

One of my favorite websites is and they've teamed up with The Looks For Less website (another gem) to do this really fun, creative contest. And, well, since I have a lot of tiiiiimmmmeee, I'm entering it. I've created 2 looks for the contest and if I win, I get a dress from Lulus. Yay!

Also, a few inches of snow found their way to Lexington Kentucky and inspired the women of the very luxurious Grand Reserve Apartments to THROW A CHRISTMAS PARTY! CALL PAGE SIX! THIS BABY IS GONNA BE OFF THE HOOK! (It might even qualify to be "GUCCI") So, the apartment is decorated and waiting for it's very first social event. This is a lot like the time we took the Blazer to Keeneland. I'm just hoping it goes as well. We're crossing our fingers that at least 10 people show up. I mean - since each of us only has about 5 friends (and most of those overlap) we're a little apprehensive about how many ladies and gents will be making an appearance. Just kidding, we're super popular, duh. Sarcasm aside, Lauren will have completed the LSAT for the last time, Samantha will be celebrating having another week of dealing with Trent and Charles under her belt, and I'm unemployed and have no life so I love any opportunity to do something besides sit on the couch....sooooo even if nobody shows up besides Julie, Tommy, and a few other stragglers...we'll still have the night of our lives. The plan is to get our hands on a keg (we got kuh-neck-shuns) and rage. Hope you can make it. Well, not you Mom ;) MERRY CHRISTMAS!

- how'd you like that one, Ren?

Friday, December 3, 2010


It's now 6:40 on Friday. The work week is over. And no e-mail, text, call, or any other communication from the companies I interviewed with. It's been about 2 weeks (give or take a few days) since those interviews and no sign that I'm getting the jobs. I guess I could still hear something next week but I highly doubt it. I really thought I stood a chance. I don't know what else I could have done. How disappointing. What am I doing wrong?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

not patient. not even a little bit.

Dear job god/fairy,

I really really really want to hear back from one of these companies. Even better, I NEED it. First of all, I need to do something with my life. And secondly, I need money so I don't have to rely on my parents anymore. I'm almost 23. This is getting out of hand!! I applied for another job today so I'm not giving up no matter what happens. But I would absolutely love to get 1 of the 3 jobs I interviewed for before Thanksgiving. All 3 of them would be great fits for me so please please please let me have just 1? Just 1 little job in Lexington? I've said all my best prayers and I've been trying really hard. So...I think it's my turn to get a job. Please? I'll  keep it for a long time and do my best. Think about it. Thanks!



Tuesday, November 16, 2010

job update.

Okay everybody (and by everybody I mean all 4 of you)... it's time to rally your best prayers/vibes/karma/thoughts and send them in my direction! I have 2 job interviews and hopefully a 3rd one coming soon.

Tuesday, November 16th @ 2:00 - I have an interview with the FOX affiliate in Lexington for an Account Executive position!

Thursday, November 18th @ 1:30 - I have an interview with The Kentucky United Methodist Homes for Children & Youth for a Development Coordinator position.

The third position is at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society also for a Development Manager position. I'm hoping after I send my "salary requirements" that they requested that I will be setting up an interview for that as well!

I'm extremely extremely excited that at least 1 of these leads to a great opportunity for me. I couldn't be more ready and excited to get up at 7:00 in the morning to go do something with my day (and that must mean I sincerely need a job 'cause I am NOT a morning gal). I'm really hopeful about all 3 of them because all 3 of these are positions that I would be thrilled to have. They're REAL jobs doing REAL things. Imagine that! I had this inkling that a college degree was supposed to lead to that but lately I've been a tad skeptical ;)

So...send your best to me please!

Friday, November 12, 2010

meghan's favorite things

I noticed today that Whoopi was going to have "Whoopi's favorite things" on The View at some point. This is not only irritating to me because I don't like her opinions on basically anything that has ever stumbled out of her mouth (and because she's never going to be Oprah)...but also because I'm sure no one on earth wants to hear her talk about how much she loves muumuus, man clothes, hello kitty socks, Obama, the color black, not being funny, not washing her hair, and bitchin'. NOT OKAY. In the spirit of this recent development...let me welcome you aboard Meghan's Favorite Things List. Because I honestly believe that more people will be entertained by my list then that crazy lady on ABC. Here goes nothin'...

(in no particular order)

1) Good reality tv about crazy people (Intervention, Hoarders, The Buried Life, Teen Mom)
2) Graeters Ice Cream (I may be biased since my Dad works for Graeters...but there really is no question that it's the best icecream ever made)
3) Guys dressing like girls. It's almost always funny...unless the guy is serious.
4) Boots. All kinds...all the time.
6) This color...
8) B. Makowsky handbags
9) Inside jokes. You know you love it.
10) Christmas. It's the only good thing that happens in the winter. Especially when you live in Ohio or Kentucky.
11) Tailgating for college football games.
12) Parents gettin' their drink on. Hilarious.
13) Nike shorts. The most comfortable things ever made.
14) Having all of your laundry done. It only lasts for a few hours but it's quite the rush.
15) V-neck tshirts. (especially from American Apparel)
16) Flying. (the airplane kind)
17) Clean sheets.
18) Keeneland.
19) Charleston, SC. (yes, the whole town)
20) NYC at Christmas.
21) Constant Comment Tea.
22) Sarcasm.
23) People-watching.
24) Finding the perfect profile picture on Facebook. Don't lie to love when it happens.
25) Music that literally gives me chills.
26) Cheese. Uh huh.
27) Having 3 minutes left in a workout/the feeling I get right after I finish a workout.
28) A really good hug.
29) US Weekly. It's a guilty pleasure and I embrace it.
30) Spa Pedicures.

That's it for now. I wanted to get to 50 but it's a work in progress.  Good enough...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

if this isn't striking gold...i don't know what is...

Click here!

^^ The link above will take you to a website that lets you watch one of my Christmas favorites...Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. The old classic :) I love it!

Monday, November 8, 2010

back to it.

As promised, I wanted to write a little note to each of my favorite people. So here it goes.

I don't even know where to begin. You "get me" better than anyone ever has. Anytime something crazy has happened over the past few years (and there has been a lot of drama) you have COMPLETELY understood and supported me through it. I love the way you think and how realistic you are. It is so refreshing to get your point of view and advice on things. You are definitely wiser than your years, Miss Lewison ;) You have this infectious personality that envelopes everyone around you and I'm pretty sure anyone that has ever met you fell in love within minutes. Your sense of humor is one of my favorite things about you and probably explains why we became friends in the first place. I love your sarcasm, your light-heartedness, and your ability to laugh at times when it would be easier to get mad or frustrated. You are so fearless and I admire that about you more than you know. You've never been afraid to go after your dreams, meet new people, or try new things...and I have no doubt that you will go far because of that. Our friendship is something that I am thankful for every single day and whether we're living down the hall from each other or living clear across the country I know I can always count on you to make me smile, keep me sane, and inspire me. I love you, my little Wolverine. And I miss you terribly.

Oh Ren, just typing your name made me laugh out loud. Living with you is my favorite thing in the world. You make me laugh all the time. You always have hilarious stories. You're great to talk to when we're having issues with friends, boyfriends, parents, co-workers or anyone else because you're a great listener, you always empathize, and you know how to make me feel better and lift my spirits. Annnd you like weird television like I do, which doesn't hurt ;) You have this confidence and self-assurance in you that I absolutely love and I hope I have for myself someday. You are so incredibly intelligent and "studious" and I admire your commitment to school and how hard you work to reach your goals. I have no doubt you are going to kick ass in law school...just don't decide to run off to some school in Spain please! You are such a social Sally. haha. I love that you never forget someone's name and can talk to anyone you encounter. I don't think you've ever met a stranger. You are the most fun-loving person I've ever met. We always have such a great time together...whether we're shopping at Hobby Lobby, going out on the town, or watching movies at are great to be around. I'm so glad you and Samantha met in that damn freshman Math class, 'cause I can't imagine my life without you. I'm crossing my fingers our Nashville plan works out one of these years :) I love you.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Okay, the appreciation/love train will certainly get back on course soon and more letters to my loves will appear. However, I can't be mushy, sappy, sentimental Meghan every day. Get real. I'd start to become unrecognizable. So, while watching incessant election coverage for the last 3 hours I have also been obsessing (shock) over my dream home. Maybe all this "Republicans will help you get a job" talk has got me thinking that in fact one day I will actually have a career and...knock on own money! What a novelty. So... I'm going to share some pictures of what my dream bedroom (and house) would look like if I had an unlimited budget and unlimited time to decorate and create.

I mean...hel-lo. Could you just die? Now I just have to buy my own place before I get married so I can be obsessively and wonderfully indulged in the most feminine, ruffled, sparkled, cozy, chic kind of decor imaginable. Oh, a girly girl's dream! I swear to you...I'm utterly convinced that the coolest occupations are still A) personal trainer and B) interior decorator. I really should have thought about this before college, right? However, I am a card-carrying member of the unlimited time club. Yeah, that's what I'm calling it now. Get over it. So maybe I should start crusin' the yard sales and second-hand stores for some gems and spruce 'em up for a couple pennies. Though...if I really fell in love with something I could probably never sell it! Ohhh so many ideas and no clue what to do. Isn't being a 20-something fun????

Friday, October 29, 2010

lucky girl.

Over the years and throughout many friendships I've realized that I am unintentionally the biggest mimic in the world. From hand gestures to pronunciations of words, from phrases to accents...I continually pick up the mannerisms and quirks of my family and friends and adopt them into my own little persona. I'd like to think I do it subconsciously because I get to know people so well that I start to become more like them. I'm just that good of a friend. But, in all honesty I think it's just part of my inherent personality. Regardless, what I've realized lately is that I should put this tendency to good use. I'm amazed, every single day, by the people that allow me to be part of their lives. My friends. My boyfriend. My family. I'm not the type of person that knows everyone and has a million acquaintances and never meets a stranger and charms every person I come into contact with. But, I've come to be extremely loyal and connected to the few men and women who are closest to me and I wouldn't have it any other way. My point of all this is to say that I am impressed, humbled, touched, inspired, and strengthened by those in my life and I would LOVE to become a little more like each of them...beyond their hand gestures or token phrases. So...this is an open letter to the loves of my life :) The next several entries of my blog are going to be dedicated to these individuals.

Today...2 of my girls.

You are without a doubt the most positive and cheerful person I've ever met. Your ability to see the good in people and never judge or make assumptions about anyone before you get to know them is incredible. You are a bundle of energy and you can always lighten the mood and liven our spirits. I admire your quiet strength and your knack for bouncing back from any discouraging situation. Your faith shines through you and I am inspired every time you say you're going to pray harder for someone, especially when they've hurt you. Your passion for teaching is so rare and special and I know it will take you far and allow you to influence your students in ways you can't imagine. You are definitely not a mimic. You are such an individual and you don't get carried away with impressing others and worrying about what others think about you...even when you're dancing ;) People are drawn to your charisma, your laugh, your curiousity, your optimism, and your hot bod (just kidding. but you are beautissimo). I don't think anyone could ever say a bad thing about you and truly mean it. You're a gem, kiddo. I couldn't ask for a better friend/roommate and I am blessed to have you in my life...and hopefully for many many more years to come. Love you.

You are the ultimate best friend. You are loyal and invested in every relationship you have. It is genuinely clear that you care deeply about all of your friends and family. I have been lucky enough to have you by my side during the toughest of times and you have this amazing gift for listening and understanding. I love your sensitivity. I'll probably always razz ya for it but I hope you never lose that quality. It is what creates this empathy in you that I cherish so much. Not only are you there during the rough spots, but you are also the light in the room and the party when there's no party. People want to know what you're doing and where you're going. You have a magnetic personality...and it really boosts my social life. (just kidding...kinda) You have the best memory in the world and it kind of freaks me out but I appreciate it more than you know ;) Your story-telling ability is unparalleled. I could listen to you tell the same story 20 times and laugh every single time. You are innocent and wise at the same time. Your intelligence is humbling and if I ever go on Who Wants to Be a are one of my lifelines. I couldn't have gotten through the ups and downs of college without you and I know that through each phase of our lives we'll be together...celebrating each triumph and pulling through each challenge. 'Cause afterall...our parents frequented the same bars before we even it's meant to be! Love you.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

In a perfect world...

"The recession's impact on employment is bad enough. But young people's dismal job situation worsening because their parents are taking forever to retire just adds insult to injury."

See full article from DailyFinance:

See? We all want the same thing. My Mom and Dad would gladly retire, I'm sure. They don't want to continue working for the next 10 or 15 years of their lives...but it's a definite possibility if things don't shape up. AND - I am absolutely 100% ready to start working and making an independent life for myself. So...we all want the same thing. They want to stop working. I want to start. For those of us that are recent college grads...we NEED the baby boomer types to retire already. We need their jobs. Or in all actuality...we need people to get promoted to their jobs so we can get in on the entry level. Needless to say, I will be voting next Tuesday based on this issue alone. And if people my age don't show up to vote for the same thing I will be highly disappointed. Lets face it...republicans respect/support that this country was founded on capitalism and therefore they support the creation of JOBS (and lowering taxes)...and who DOESN'T want that right now?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I went to California.
I went to Seattle.
Both great trips with great hostesses :)
Came back to Lexington.
Celebrated Jaclyn's 21st birthday...finally! She was making me feel old.
Worked the World Equestrian Games for Dubarry of Ireland for 7 days.
Hoping to see that $700 or $800 sooner rather than later.
'Cause...I'm broke.
Completely and utterly.
Can't pay for anything in life.
Living off my parents and my boyfriend.
Now it's back on the job hunt.
Applied for about 5 jobs this week. Yee...freaking...haw.
There's not much out there right now...and that's even less than usual.
But I'm hopeful that something comes around after the first of the year at the very least.
Or I'm pretending to be hopeful?
Maybe 2011 is my year. Someone cross their fingers for me.
Babysitting Thursday night so I can enjoy my weekend at Keeneland and tailgating for the UK/USC game. Horse racing and beer. I do love this town.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

timing is everything

One perk of being unemployed...getting to visit family and friends! Since my flying benefits from my Dad end on September 30th, it's high time I visit my sister and my bestie out on the west coast...FOR FREE. So I'm going to fly out to California this Saturday and spend the week with the Valpredo fam (I haven't been there in years!) and then fly up to Seattle and spend the weekend with Ingrid and Brad. I am excited beyond words. I figure its the only time in my life that I can fly standby and not worry about having to take vacation from work or stress about getting back into town at a certain time. Once I'm home from this trip it'll be job hunt job hunt job hunt, apply apply apply, rejection rejection rejection, poor poor poor, temporary crap job, blah blah blah, you get it, and so on. But until thennnnnn, the next 10 days are going to be so fun! I love to fly. I don't mind airports. And I'm totally content to be by myself when traveling. I generally enjoy the whole process - so this is perfect for me. Thanks Dad! Thanks Delta! 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

namaste to all

For over a year now I've been a huge (HUGE!) fan of On Demand Exercise TV...even though Insight Communications refuses to change the title from "Excercise TV". Man, I hate typos. I digress. So, I've tried about every sane yoga, cardio, Jillian Michaels, Jackie Warner, dance workout, etc. that's offered. And I actually like quite a few of them but I thought it would be fun to share what I'm doing now. My new favorite is this yoga bit by an instructor who clearly has something stuck in her throat buuuut manages to get my entire body to sweat profusely.

Sneak peek:

P.S. How cool would it be to have a job as a personal trainer or fitness instructor? Getting paid to workout? Getting paid to have a kickass body? It's brilliant. Truly. Maybe that's a career path I should consider... Hmm... first I need to workout more than twice a week. Good thing I have time on my hands ;)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Little geniuses.

This is amazing.

And this is true. Why are there so many people like this in 2010? Go away.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

obsession lounge

After spending the entire day in bed mindlessly watching Bravo and reading/clicking through stumbleupon, facebook, and all of my favorite fashion designers sites and blogs I have decided to share some totally meaningless obsessions that I've developed.

Rebecca Minkoff
Proenza Schouler
In the words of Rachel Zoe...these are major. If only they were in my reach...

And okay, it doesn't replace therapy but it is a completely and wonderfully perfect way to get lost in something besides my own self loathing. I can look at these beautiful clothes and read about their inspiration and picture myself wearing them in some fabulous way at some fabulous event in a fabulous city....and forget that I'm actually sitting in Lexington, unemployed, and irritated.  Call it selfish but I need this period of my life (lets call it the pissed off post-lay off period) to be bitter. I know I have good things in my life and a job isn't everything...but lets face it...when your love life or career are falling apart...then it's hard to pretend like life is rainbows, butterflies, and Mr. Rogers. I'm sure I'll get over it. I applied for 3 jobs today alone. But meanwhile, the journey ahead of me is annoying and overwhelming and before I can possibly wrap my head around it...I'm going to take my own "fall break" to get lost in fashion trends, write on this damn blog, drink red wine, practice my new recipes, and lay around like I'm a trust-fund kid with a drug habit. I need it. I need to think about nothing and when I do think about something it just has to be something that has absolutely no resemblance to my own life. Here's to hoping that in 2 weeks I won't even remember that I worked for that place.


Maybe if I put this in writing then I can try to move on...


And it sucks. 
And I wish I had never taken the job.
I should have listened to my gut.
First instincts are not a joke.
I'm mad.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

we're goin down down down down down...

With Labor Day weekend quickly approaching I found myself needing to make the most of this glorious 3 day weekend...especially since I'm getting my first paid holiday! So I rallied the crew and it looks like we'll be heading down to Athens, Georgia to visit Miss Betsy Phillips. Our last trip down there was a reunion never to be forgotten and I'm so excited we get to do it again. It's their first home football game so I'm sure we'll do some tailgating on Betsy's cute little street. Hopefully we'll find a spot to sit/drink and watch the UK vs. Louisville game on TV...and by "watch" I mean witness the massacre that is bound to happen on those dirty birds from Loo-Uh-Vull. I also imagine more blurry pictures like this one will appear. I have to say Athens has a great bar/nightlife scene. It's much bigger than Lexington's (not hard) and everything is within walking distance...what a novelty! If only the drive wasn't 7 hours we'd probably visit more often. But the Pontiac Attack is primed and ready to escort us all the way down south. I better go make a playlist for my ipod (yes, it's still working if you were wondering) so we can entertain ourselves for that long. I'm thinking themed hours of music. Suggestions welcome. Here's what I've got in mind:

- Musicals Hour (this one's for Julie since she LOVES broadway so much)
- Country Hour
- Nickelodeon/Disney Channel/Saturday Morning Cartoons Theme Song Hour
- Rap/Hip Hop Hour (in honor of Ren bein' Ren)
- Weird Indie Meghan in H.S. Hour (more like 1/2 hour)
- NSync and BSB Hour
- Tailgating Music Hour

Saturday, August 28, 2010




questions for a saturday morning.

is it a street scene day? perhaps.
it is, without question, a pool day.
should i drive to cincinnati tonight or tomorrow?
what's for breakfast?
time to clean my place? (that's not really a question)
let the day begin.

((i am deep))

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Shiraz is apparently my new favorite wine. In the grand scheme of things I don't know anything about wines, brands, years, or what is supposed to be good or bad. But I know what I like and I've learned recently that Australian Shiraz is delicious. Bring it on, mate. Ayyyyy luv it! (somebody shut me up)

This particular bottle joined me at dinner when Wes and I ate at Malone's last week and a similar version joined me this evening in the hot tub with my roomies.

Both occasions...delicious.


Zooey Deschanel is me (I wish)...only famous. Her character Kit in Failure to Launch is the best thing in the world. PRIME EXAMPLEEEE...

Paula: Hey hey.
Kit: Hey, Paula. Good news. It's Champagne Thursday.
Paula: It's Friday.
Kit: Uh, yeah, Thursday came twice this week.
Paula: For the third straight week.
Kit: There's talk of making it permanent.
Paula: Oh, kind of like Daylight Saving's Time?
Kit: Right, but for booze.

If only I had a name like Zooey and an ability to not care at all how awkward, weird, or alcoholic people thought I was. Girl crush. Maja.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Embrace it. Love it. Live it.

This stage of my life is weird. I've made that quite clear, haven't I? So I decided I really need to accept a couple of things, not be ashamed, and not look back. Here is a list of things I'm officially embracing:

Going on autopilot Monday through Friday so I can get through the next few months of my working life and "pay my dues" is a survival skill. (thank you Cosmo magazine for the first enlightening article you've ever provided me)

STILL acting like freshmen on the weekends...but with a valid awesome.

Making multiple trips to the dollar store every week is smart.

Going to class really did suck and it's okay to miss college but I don't have to miss school.

Potato chips will never be healthy, light, or fulfilling but they will always be necessary, delicious, and a great drunk food.

Change is the only constant thing in life.

Napping is necessary.

Going to bed before midnight does not make me old.

The gym is around the corner...get real.

I have my own bathroom for the first time in 4 years...that should be enough happiness to last a lifetime.

My life is weird.

I really should have my own reality show. Srsly.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Show Me The Money...well, kind of...

I got a job in sales. It's in Lexington. It pays me. And I get to be out of the office a lot. I'm glad that the search is over (for now). It's not totally my dream job (ahem, salary-wise) but it's a good start and I can't be picky right now. Annnnd I shant disclose anymore information as I am now a "professional". Well okay, lets get real...I may have to give the occasional anecdote from the office. Maybe. Possibly. Probably. Most likely. Like tomorrow. Anyway, I just had my first day today and I do have to say - any job that gets me home after 3 hours on the first day is a winner. I walked in the door just in time for Intervention on A&E, thank God. Speaking of which, DVR probably needs to be added to my life. Yep. It's time for this girl to hitch a ride on the train...or, I guess...hybrid to 2010. I already get hell for my ancient technology collection; phone, dvd player, tv, laptop, iPod, etc. so maybe I can surprise the pants off my friends and actually give into this century. However, I do like to remind the naysayers that having such old (and I like to mention, mostly working) crap is like a big F*** YOU to any criminals/muggers/robbers/hobos/crazies that wanna snag my swag. What's the pawn shop dude gonna give you for a 5 year old iPod and a TV with a VHS player in it? I would guess about 1 Canadian nickel and a cold shoulder. You heard it here first Lexington robbers...try to come steal my big box barely fits through the door.

In other news, I've been reading the Harry Potter series. Right, so my reputation for being stuck in the past is not improving with that sentence. Regardless, since it is 1998 in my world I thought I'd give good ol' J.K. Rowling a try. And I have to say, she's damn good. But the problem with reading Harry Potter is the dreams that have been added to my repertoire. I don't have time (well I do, but I don't care) to give all the details but I'll leave you with a list of what's shown up in my dreams as of late...

- Dragons
- lots of beards
- ice
- Swedish or Dutch or Norwegian people (can't tell)
- a hammer
- polka dots
- adoption
- purple drugs
- stuff about eyebrows

Psh, combine those anyway you's been real

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Comin out ya mouth with ya blah blah blah

People are embarassed when they need therapy. This is stupid. Because I've yet to meet someone who couldn't use a little time every week to lay on a couch (or "davenport" as my Grandma used to call them) and complain. Regardless, because there are so many crazies runnin' around with built up bitch-fits to let out - they turn to me. Okay not really. But throughout college (and now the 3 months following my anti-climatic graduation) I've worked at a hair salon and it's becoming clear that during hard times not only do people LOVE to get their hair screwed with...they also use their time in the salon to release every dramatic saga and personal upheaval. This includes but is not limited to: husbands cheating, divorce, fertility, dandruff, job-loss, being fat, being friend-less, debt, stupid neighbors, stupid kids, malaria (yep), nostalgia, bikini waxes, back waxes, politics, and dying pets. Um, excuse me? And I can't figure out when this became okay. When did people decide, "ya know, my hair stylist looks like a nice chap...I think they'd be the perfect one to ask about my abnormal pap smear" No people. You just...gotta stop doing this. Especially to me. I have no life experience. I'm the assistant. I'm nothing. Please, attempt to treat me that way. All I can do is nod and smile and try to pretend like whatever dose of crazy you're throwing at me is perfectly common. I got nothing. In what other professions does this happen? I can't imagine going to the mall and telling the dressing room attendant at The Gap about my compartmentalized depression about being unemployed or the cyst that grew on my neck for 10 years and how my boyfriend popping it weirdly brought us closer. I WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO PEOPLE I DON'T KNOW. Thank God no one reads this blog...or else I could potentially be a hypocrite. And with my near-perfect reputation...we just can't have that ;)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


In case you live under a rock...I'd like to inform you that The Hills is like, totally DUNZO! Which, much to my chagrin actually makes me quite nostalgic. (feel free to pity me and the rest of my generation for having such a meaningless world around us) But I honestly have been watching these people on tv for 6 or 7 years now and afterall...we've practically grown up together. I can only hope that when I head to southern California next week that I might get a glimpse of Kristin, L.C., or if I'm really lucky...SPEIDI!

Please know I'm joking. If you didn' sarcasm is in complete disrepair.

But in all honesty, this little finale really does make me feel like I am getting old. From what I hear...I'm not in high school. I'm not in college. I'm not a grad student. I'm not employed. I'm just...floating. Which is an entirely too depressing conversation for a blog that my Mom told me to write. Or maybe the most depressing thing of all is that I've resorted to writing this because my Mom told me to. Well, the moral of the story is that I need to get a job before I tear my boyfriend's new dog's hair out ('cause God knows I've been trying to grow my own hair out for about 5 years and cannot sacrifice it). Why? Because I'm 22 and people have made it clear it's time for me to change the world or something. The question still remains...can the girl who let 2 half-black girls, Britney Spears, and a little Christian rock music mold her youth actually land a career?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Digital Digital Get Down

Since my parents' house has been taken over by, I mean...grandchildren I have been forced to give up any claim on what was previously "my room". Why you ask? My parents have a 4 bedroom house. EXCEPT - 2 rooms are now encompassed by cribs so the aforementioned little people can have their own rooms when they stay there. The last remaining extra bedroom was mine for a brief 10 years. However, my new, soft, full-size bed was recently removed and in it's place is now a really old and uncomfortable king size bed for my sister and her husband to sleep in while their children sleep in their "own" rooms. I don't know how they do it. And the kicker? My sister's family lives in California...they come maybe twice a year!!!!! And my parents have reconfigured their entire house for these babes. Ay yi yi. BLASPHEMY if you ask me. So guess who sleeps in the basement when we're all there at the same time? That would be yours truly. Merry freaking Christmas. I sound selfish but I'm 22 so the whole "baby" phenomenon isn't anything I want to try to understand yet. Considering the fact that I'm from Kentucky, everyone should be celebrating the fact that I don't already have a couple of germy money-suckers of my own. I also have a sore back from this past weekend at home so this is all too fresh on my mind.

However, this rearranging of rooms means lots of sorting through old crap from yesteryear. Although I would prefer to take a bulldozer to any remnants of my teenage years, my Mom encouraged me to keep some of the memories. Because apparently when you reach age 45 and start to feel old you really want to look back at pictures of yourself with people you haven't talked to for decades and remember how much acne, backstabbing girls, and ripped jeans really made you feel alive? Hardly. Regardless, I did come across 10 compact discs that I was pleased to discover. Will Smith Willennium WILL be resurrected and used as my new weekend sound track. And after listening to 'Nsync's hit albums I'm left wondering what happened to boy bands and why Justin Bieber doesn't want a few pleather-and-sparkle-clad hunks paling around with him on tour?

*Disclaimer: Contrary to my tone I do actually like my niece and nephew. To their credit...they're cute and pretty funny and sometimes they like me :) I'm just glad they aren't mine.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Contact Me


Want to pair up for a post?

Just want to chat?

Want to take me on a shopping spree?  ;) ;)

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About Me

A little bit about me:
I'm a 20-something...approaching that 30-something category faster all the time.
Living in Lexington, Kentucky.
"Mother figure" to a dog named Jameson who my boyfriend rescued and who taught me that I should never get too attached to any pair of shoes...
I hang out with this guy named Chris a lot ;)
I decorate and customize everything.
If it's black, white, or gold I own it.
I'm a huge mimic and cannot help myself from becoming a little bit like each of my friends. 
I write...sometimes. It's sarcastic and long-winded...most of the time.
My mom thinks my writing is funny.
I love fashion like all girls but I'm a realist. And I refuse to pay full price for anything. Bargain hunting is an art, ladies.
I live by the rule that unless you love yourself you cannot love another.
I'm a DIY queen. Pinterest was actually created for me. I'm still waiting for them to put that on the homepage by the way...
I lived in Ohio for 10 years so I'm a HUGE Ohio State Buckeyes fan.  I graduated from the University of Kentucky so I'm an EVEN BIGGER Kentucky Wildcats fan.
Most life is in the hands of my Creator and Father God.  His love and grace are everything!

You should stay tuned. Could be fun.

I absolutely adore reading your blogs and seeing glimpses into the lives of bloggers (much cooler than me) across the U S of A so make sure to say hello and leave your link so we can be friends!