In case you live under a rock...I'd like to inform you that The Hills is like, totally DUNZO! Which, much to my chagrin actually makes me quite nostalgic. (feel free to pity me and the rest of my generation for having such a meaningless world around us) But I honestly have been watching these people on tv for 6 or 7 years now and afterall...we've practically grown up together. I can only hope that when I head to southern California next week that I might get a glimpse of Kristin, L.C., or if I'm really lucky...SPEIDI!
Please know I'm joking. If you didn't...my sarcasm is in complete disrepair.
But in all honesty, this little finale really does make me feel like I am getting old. From what I hear...I'm not in high school. I'm not in college. I'm not a grad student. I'm not employed. I'm just...floating. Which is an entirely too depressing conversation for a blog that my Mom told me to write. Or maybe the most depressing thing of all is that I've resorted to writing this because my Mom told me to. Well, the moral of the story is that I need to get a job before I tear my boyfriend's new dog's hair out ('cause God knows I've been trying to grow my own hair out for about 5 years and cannot sacrifice it). Why? Because I'm 22 and people have made it clear it's time for me to change the world or something. The question still remains...can the girl who let 2 half-black girls, Britney Spears, and a little Christian rock music mold her youth actually land a career?
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