Monday, August 20, 2012

What I'm Loving

Hope everyone made it through another Monday and for those starting back to school (as teachers, students, grad students, etc.) good luck and...may the odds be ever in your favor ;)

Sometimes on Mondays you just need to think about who/what you love.  So I'm going to share the current "loves" of my life here!

I LOVE my new iphone case from the Etsy store Frog Eyes and Corn Teeth and I cannot wait to get it in the mail and pop it onto my little apple machine.

I LOVE the color grey (and spelling it with an 'e').  I'm obsessed y'all.  I encouraged my boyfriend to get not 1 but 2 pairs of grey pants.  I decorated my living room with grey accents. I want a grey handbag for the fall.  I want to dye my hair grey.  Just kidding.  But I think it's awesome, baby, and I plan on surrounding myself with it for the next few months. 

I LOVE my pretty necklace from one of my favorite new blogs Lex What Wear.  The site just launched this month and it is adorable!  I was lucky enough to win a fantastic bauble necklace in their first giveaway.  So excited to wear it this week.

I LOVE that I won an 8X10 canvas print from Easy Canvas Prints from another fabulous Kentucky blog, Our Fifth House.  I think I've had a little string of good luck...and I'm not mad about it!  Now I just have to decide what I should get printed. Hmm...suggestions?

I LOVE the bouqet of lilies my boyfriend got me for no reason on Thursday.  They are my favorite flower :)  He also made us dinner that night.  I think he's a keeper!  They've bloomed a bit more since I took this on Friday but I'm too lazy and worn out from Pure Barre to walk the 7.5 feet to my kitchen and retake this picture. lazybloggerprobz 

I LOVE MTV for their Laguna Beach Marathons.  Bringing me back to the days of Ste-Ven, Kristen the maneater, LC and her bad luck in love, Talon in his high socks and pierced ears, Morgan the Mormon, Jessica's cleavage and palpable desperation, and the many many other hilarious California high schoolers that entertained me through my teens. I have no shame spending my mornings as a 24 year old watching episodes about prom, love triangles, spring break, and bonfires on the beach.

What are you loving lately?  Do you have an odd obsession with a bleak color, a tv show about teeny boppers, or your own good karma/luck?  Hope so!  Enjoy the rest of your weeks!

Friday, August 10, 2012


Okay guys, I just had to share this before I jet off to Chicago.

My sister and I went to the mall this past week and the only purchase I made came from...wait for it...Claire's.  Don't get judgy wudgy on me.  I am now the proud owner of 2 hair donuts from the mecca of plastic accessories.

All hail the hair donut.  If you're like me and you've tried and tried (and failed and failed) to be like the Kardashians rock the big bun, then you can scurry on down to your local mall and pick up this little miracle product and stop crying yourselves to sleep.  AND STOP CUTTING UP YOUR SOCKS.  Buy a few hair donuts (they have blonde and brunette) in varying sizes...and too can have a giant ballerina bun on your skull.

Look.  If I can do it. So can you. See?

My mom says everyone used these "back in her day".  I said "secrets don't make friends and friends don't make secrets" and pouted.  Just kidding.  But come on baby boomers...share your tricks!  Welcome to 2012 hair donut...happy to have you here.

Okay, have a great weekend my little bunheads. XOXO

Thursday, August 9, 2012

That toddlin' town

Lauren, Samantha, Jen, Me, Kreps, and Patrick in Chicago for St. Patrick's Day!
Well I'm off to Chicago tomorrow morning!  Will and Samantha are picking me up bright and early to head North to visit Renny.  Chris is moving his best friend Jake up there as well so there's going to be quite the Kentucky crew taking over the windy city this weekend. I'm looking forward to drinking too many adult beverages (on the beach and late into the night), eating yummy dinners, shopping (of the bargain persuasion), taking pictures, laughing, and of course catching up with Lauren :)

I'm laughing that Chris and I are going to be in Chicago together for the 3rd time this year.  Especially since the last 2 times we were there...we barely knew each other and were definitely not dating.  He was my New Year's Eve kiss (feel free to roll your eyes) and we happened to be in Chicago at the same time again over St. Patrick's Day weekend but I was being bratty and put him majorly at arm's length until April.  Things have changed just a bit since then. Too too funny how things work out.

It should be a great 4 days and I'm like a little kid before the first day of school...I'm so excited I just know I won't sleep!

 Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and I'll be back to share the highlights next week. Cheers!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

All dressed up and no where to go...'til now

If you live in the south you know that the season soon upon us is not Fall, Autumn, or Back-to-school's FOOTBALL season.  And yes, students and alumni from Kentucky get excited for it too.  We may not have the legendary history of an Alabama or Georgia...but we are fiercely loyal fans and we proudly march to Commonwealth stadium every Saturday to support our Wildcats.  Part of the draw of course is tailgating.  And this year my friends and I have decided to host our own tailgate.  We no longer have fraternity spots/lawns/houses to descend upon (and honestly...thank God that's over) so it's high time we setup shop on our own grassy corner and pregame like the adults we are ;)  Lucky for you, my sweet readers, I'm going to plan out loud and share my list of must-needed tailgate items.  Let us begin...

First, a tailgating tent.  A place to congregate and get out of the hot sun, cold breeze, or rain (depending on what type of crazy weather Kentucky throws at us).  Found this one at Sears for cheap!

Second, we need seating.  Fortunately I already have 3 of these babies and I think we'll be able to round up several more.  If you're looking for some of these...I hate to say it but...Walmart.

Third, a cooler.  For our super expensive beer Bud Light and mimosas! (and probably the fixings for screwdrivers, bourbon cocktails, and the like)  Found this 70 quart "xtreme" cooler from Amazon.  Yall know I would DIY this sucker.  Picture wildcat paws, blue, white, and the lyrics to our fight song...obviously.

Next up...accessories.  Well, kind of.  We consider ourselves the experts of Sips N Dips so of course the food and drinks need to look good going down.  Again I found these adorable little plates from Amazon. Perfect right?

Speaking of dips.  You honestly haven't lived until you've tried Buffalo Chicken Dip.  It is the most heavenly little dish ever to grace a tailgate.  I plan on making a lot of this over the next few months!  I imagine we'll also include mini pigs in a blanket (Julie's specialty), sausage/rotel dip and pasta salad (Samantha's specialties), fudge brownies (Grace's specialty), layered taco dip, eggbake breakfast casserole (for early games), and the list of finger food goes on and on.  Maybe we can even convince the boys to bring a portable charcoal grill for a few games!  Is it obvious that I'm excited for the food?

Now for the fashion. Obviously.  I picked up this adorable striped dress from Gap in June.  I can't wait to throw it on for a chilly noon game with brown boots. Comfortable and chic.  Doesn't get much better.

I just found this bauble necklace today from a site called Sideline Sweetie for $30.  It is exactly what I pictured for the upcoming season.  I have a similar ivory version from Francescas that I also plan on wearing a lot!

Lastly, I had to include another dress that I fell in love with from Red Dress Boutique.  Hel-lo. Get in my closet.

What else could I possibly need?

Just kidding.  Obviously this is only the beginning of what will soon become quite the list.  tables, cups, cornhole boards, music, blankets, clean up supplies, etc. etc. Event planning...even on the smallest end of the spectrum needs to be well thought out or it takes the fun out of it (if you ask me)!

Are there any tailgating items that you can't live without?  What does your setup look like?  I'd love to see what you do and hear your thoughts!