Okay, I abandoned you.
And I'm sorry.
But it's actually because I've been really busy.
Which is better than the alternative.
So lame and boring that I don't have anything to blog about.
But here I am!
And I have pictures.
Ooh la la.
I finally finished my boudoir...
Well, since it's me, it'll always be a work in progress.
But still.
Here she blows...
Curtains on the window, flowers in my vases, the "love" pillow moved to my cube, etc. |
THE WALL. If I live here long enough...this entire wall will be covered with lovely things! |
Helllooooo big chevron stripe and seafoam green pillows. Thank you for joining my bed. |
Okay, the desk looks the exact same...so shoot me. But don't you just love my elephant bookend?? |
Closeup of my Target curtains. The material is a bit heavy/formal, yes, but I have been
looking forever and ever and a day (exactly) so I just needed something that I liked to block the sunny sunshine in the wee hours of the morn. OK? |
Closeup of my bedside light.
This picture doesn't do my fab grey lamp justice. Whatevs. |
HA! I finally got the antlers I so desparately wanted! And they were FREE!
My boyfriend actually gave these to me. They are from the first buck he ever killed. Yes, he's a hunter.
He's from Kentucky...duhhhh.
Now I just need to figure out how to hang them.
I hope you enjoyed the tour.
Comments, suggestions, hate mail welcome ;)
I'll upload pictures of the living room when it's also finished.
I had to send back my chair's black slipcover because it fit poorly so I'm on the hunt for another one.
I also need something to fill the walls.
Maybe I'll upload some pics and you can help me fill in the gaps!
I'm going to TRY my best to get back to blogging too.
I love it, I really do.
So I promise to try.
Also, I realize blogs are better to look at with pictures so I gotta get used to this new iphone and take some pics of my vury vury fabulous and extraordinary life.
Real life friends...you must help me with this.
Good to be back.