Wednesday, December 15, 2010

vote for me!!

Okay, so that fashion contest I entered is in the voting stage. SO GO VOTE FOR ME! Here's what you do:

1) Go to
2) Scroll down past all the fashion sets to where the voting takes place.
3) Vote for my set that has the most votes. (#5, #50, or #55)
 - we don't wanna split the vote here so make sure you vote for the set with the MOST votes so I can win!
4) Feel good about yourself for your good deed.

If I get the most votes for one of my sets then I win the outfit from (my favorite website)! And since I'm unemployed I don't really have the cash to buy myself a razzle-dazzle new outfit for New Year's Eve. So....pleaaaaase vote!!! Thank you X a million :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

my own show.

Cant ya jus pikcha it?
Let's all take a moment and think about me. Yes...sit back, relax, and enjoy your thoughts.

Okay, I'm kidding. Don't do that. That's weird. Stop. But I do have a proposal about my life. And you should go tell someone so I can get rich and famous. Thanks.

The fact of the matter's high time I get my own show. There are reality shows about fatties, bad girls, junkies, "models", bounty hunters, chefs, bridezillas, and...well, you've watched tv in the past 10 years so you know. And I hate all of it. But I love all of it. Ya feel me? Is it completely addicting? Yes. Entertaining? Fairly. Genius? Probably. But it's just a bunch of bullshit. So I friends and our boyfriends and families have what it takes - our lives are the exact mixture of totally normal and completely whacked so people would eat that shit uppppp. I mean between us we have a teacher, a few wannabe lawyers, a couple unemployed bums, several screwed up relationships, a crazy ex-friend whose lost her mind and dates what we believe to be a homosexual, a 23 year old bed-wetter, lots of biddies in town who don't like us NO MO (including a ginger), a few hippie-doodles fond of the herb, crazy step-parents, lots of nearly empty bank accounts, some questionable wine addictions, like 12 sets of twins, many many frat "bros", a cop, a genetically deformed dog, an overall unhealthy and bizarre obsession with our alma maters basketball team, a rampant history of being robbed, and a clear disregard for what people think of ANY of us. WHO WOULDN'T WATCH THAT SHOW? C'mon. And it's all happening in a random southern college town with it's own set of pros and cons that make for an interesting way of livin'. Soooo...can't wait to hear from MTV when they realize what they're missing. I'm gonna hold out for the lead role of course, which will lead to the biggest payout. Looks like I can stop that job search...

I'm waiting MTV...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

not so tech-savvy afterall.

Until approximtely 30 seconds ago I had absolutely no earthly idea that anyone had ever commented on my blog! Apparently I'm so accustomed to facebook's red alarm-y notifications that I neglected to learn how to maneuver blogger's style. Shame on me. So, let me start by saying - I LOVE YOU INGRID! And I particularly enjoyed our chat's always one of the brightest parts of my day. (how's that for some mushy-ness?) And to the others that commented about Constant Comment Tea...all I can say is mmm mmm mmm :) I'm glad it brings a smile to your faces too. I virtually toast you with my favorite teacup (mine looks like the one in the picture...with a letter M of course)!

What I came to write about tonight, however, was the fact that I found 2 absolutely adorable and inspiring websites/blogs tonight while I was babysitting (after Max was snoozing away of course). AND I AM IN LOVE! These people are genius. Let me share:

Making It Lovely

Young House Love

I dare you to not get lost looking at their pictures and tips on decorating, painting, being thrifty, and living brighter and better. SO FUN! Can I please be this fabulous some day? Please?

Friday, December 10, 2010

here we go again.

Well, I got a 2nd interview for the Development Manager position at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. It's a Lexington position but the interview is in Louisville on Monday morning. The phone interview a few weeks ago went well so I'm crossing my fingers that the in-person interview goes as well :) I'm not going to get my hopes up or get excited yet. Because I've done that before. Annnnnd I just ended up disappointed. I'm just going to do my best and wait it out. If I get it, I'll be very very happy and if I don't....then nothings changed and I'll start looking again after the first of the year. Think good thoughts for me please :)

Until then, I AM excited for our Christmas Partayyy and enjoying another weekend with my friends. I'm also very grateful for all the babysitting jobs I've gotten recently. These families have no clue how happy I am when they call/text me. I need that gas/gift/food money like....yesterday. And I'm happy to play with some kiddos and watch tv and get paid for it :)

In other news, our quarterback got arrested last night for public intoxication. Way to go're a fifth year senior...and you're about to go to your last bowl game...good thinking. I hope they don't let him play. I hope one of our younger guys like Newton gets to play in the bowl game. They need the practice anyway. Athletes are dumb.

15 days 'til CHRISTMAS!!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

how bizarre how bizarre.

This woman actually exists. Her name is Jocelyn Wildenstein. Google her. I have a sick obsession. I want to know so many things. She'd make for an incredible True Hollywood Story. Wayyy more interesting than Condoleeza Rice or Snoop Dogg or Dolly Parton if you ask me. Here are my biggest questions.


Weirdness at it's finest. Look what a lot of money can do to a person. (That's precisely why I try to keep my own income at a minimum...psh)
Interesting Fact: if someone ever made her face into a mask...I would totally be her for Halloween '11.

Monday, December 6, 2010

For Ren & Jibbles

Lauren said I haven't written enough funny/entertaining/happy things lately. So I'm gonna try to liven up your lives in the next few entries. YIPPPEEEE.

One of my favorite websites is and they've teamed up with The Looks For Less website (another gem) to do this really fun, creative contest. And, well, since I have a lot of tiiiiimmmmeee, I'm entering it. I've created 2 looks for the contest and if I win, I get a dress from Lulus. Yay!

Also, a few inches of snow found their way to Lexington Kentucky and inspired the women of the very luxurious Grand Reserve Apartments to THROW A CHRISTMAS PARTY! CALL PAGE SIX! THIS BABY IS GONNA BE OFF THE HOOK! (It might even qualify to be "GUCCI") So, the apartment is decorated and waiting for it's very first social event. This is a lot like the time we took the Blazer to Keeneland. I'm just hoping it goes as well. We're crossing our fingers that at least 10 people show up. I mean - since each of us only has about 5 friends (and most of those overlap) we're a little apprehensive about how many ladies and gents will be making an appearance. Just kidding, we're super popular, duh. Sarcasm aside, Lauren will have completed the LSAT for the last time, Samantha will be celebrating having another week of dealing with Trent and Charles under her belt, and I'm unemployed and have no life so I love any opportunity to do something besides sit on the couch....sooooo even if nobody shows up besides Julie, Tommy, and a few other stragglers...we'll still have the night of our lives. The plan is to get our hands on a keg (we got kuh-neck-shuns) and rage. Hope you can make it. Well, not you Mom ;) MERRY CHRISTMAS!

- how'd you like that one, Ren?

Friday, December 3, 2010


It's now 6:40 on Friday. The work week is over. And no e-mail, text, call, or any other communication from the companies I interviewed with. It's been about 2 weeks (give or take a few days) since those interviews and no sign that I'm getting the jobs. I guess I could still hear something next week but I highly doubt it. I really thought I stood a chance. I don't know what else I could have done. How disappointing. What am I doing wrong?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

not patient. not even a little bit.

Dear job god/fairy,

I really really really want to hear back from one of these companies. Even better, I NEED it. First of all, I need to do something with my life. And secondly, I need money so I don't have to rely on my parents anymore. I'm almost 23. This is getting out of hand!! I applied for another job today so I'm not giving up no matter what happens. But I would absolutely love to get 1 of the 3 jobs I interviewed for before Thanksgiving. All 3 of them would be great fits for me so please please please let me have just 1? Just 1 little job in Lexington? I've said all my best prayers and I've been trying really hard. So...I think it's my turn to get a job. Please? I'll  keep it for a long time and do my best. Think about it. Thanks!

