Okay everybody (and by everybody I mean all 4 of you)... it's time to rally your best prayers/vibes/karma/thoughts and send them in my direction! I have 2 job interviews and hopefully a 3rd one coming soon.
Tuesday, November 16th @ 2:00 - I have an interview with the FOX affiliate in Lexington for an Account Executive position!

The third position is at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society also for a Development Manager position. I'm hoping after I send my "salary requirements" that they requested that I will be setting up an interview for that as well!
I'm extremely extremely excited that at least 1 of these leads to a great opportunity for me. I couldn't be more ready and excited to get up at 7:00 in the morning to go do something with my day (and that must mean I sincerely need a job 'cause I am NOT a morning gal). I'm really hopeful about all 3 of them because all 3 of these are positions that I would be thrilled to have. They're REAL jobs doing REAL things. Imagine that! I had this inkling that a college degree was supposed to lead to that but lately I've been a tad skeptical ;)
So...send your best to me please!